The purpose of the PIC® microcontroller emulators and debuggers is to provide you with
an interface into the executing
part, allowing you to monitor actual
data, external I/O pin
signals and stop at specific
locations in the application. Emulators replace the entire circuit whereas debuggers involve specialized
hardware built into the MCU
allow you to monitor
the execution
of the device in the application. In the debugging process, emulators and debuggers can
be invaluable for
identifying the state of the device
and the
circuitry it is connected to
as part
of the
characterization and verifi-
cation steps of failure
analysis. Unfortunately, they are often
not used for this purpose, instead they are used as an integral part of the development
process. The danger
of using an emulator or
debugger as
a development tool
is that
the possible
resulting application is not fully thought out and can have numerous problems that are hard to find.
There is a fine line between PIC microcontroller emulators and debuggers. The reason for
the difficulty distinguishing between
the two is the similar operation of
the two types of devices.
The emulator replaces the microcontroller chip with a special
chip that consists of a microcontroller
with a high speed interface to an
emulator, allowing the operation of the chip to be controlled and monitored. A debugger consists
of a PIC MCU chip with specialized hardware that allows control of the processor and the ability to sample different registers. The primary difference between the two consists of the debugger’s need to allocate
two or three I/O pins to the controller connection (the emu- lator does not sacrifice
any I/O pins for this purpose), and communication of the debug-
to the control hardware is relatively slow (especially when compared to the emulator).
If you are familiar with
either the emulator or debugger, you won’t have any
trouble working with the other.
There are four types of
emulators that are available for
the PIC
microcontroller. While there are a number of low-cost emulators available (including the Emu-II pre- sented later in this chapter), the full device emulator
(like the MPLAB ICE-2000)
is the best device on the market to use. The first type of emulator
is a simple hardware interface
emulator that is controlled
by a PC or workstation (see Fig.
5.1). In this type of emu- lator,
simulator code in the PC runs the PIC microcontroller application and accesses
the emulator pod’s I/O pins. This type of emulator is very inexpensive, but probably is the
least accurate of the three
types in terms
of timing and electrical behavior of the I/O pins. Using a PC with a PIII
processor and a high speed interface,
the actual speed of the application will be approximately the same as what the PIC microcontroller would produce although
there would probably be some significant differences in edge to edge
The pin operation can be difficult to properly simulate using discrete
chips, but a CMOS PLD could be designed
to accurately model the PIC microcontroller’s pin behav- ior. This problem could be eliminated by
writing a small PIC microcontroller applica- tion that allows a PC to interface with it and remotely control the operation of the I/O ports as is shown in Fig. 5.2. This emulator
is the same type as the circuit presented later
in this chapter
(the Emu-II) and takes advantage of the PIC16F87x family of PIC micro- controllers, which can read and write internal program
memory. The Emu-II uses this
feature to load and execute code in the PIC microcontroller as is shown in Fig. 5.3. This
type of emulator is often called a downloader
and can be created quite inexpensively, but the limited program
memory of the PIC microcontroller means that only relatively
simple operations can be implemented.
emulator concept presented in Fig. 5.3 is extended
to be built into many differ-
ent PIC microcontroller devices that have ICD 2 debugger functionality built into them
(Fig. 5.4). The 16F87x, PIC18, and many other PIC microcontroller part numbers have built-in
serial port features that allow
custom hardware to a synchronous
serial port to access the different registers and functions of the PIC microcontroller via the MPLAB ICD 2 Puck, which provides a USB interface to the PC and a synchronous serial inter- face to the emulated (debugged) chip. As noted above, a selection of I/O pins (often
MCLR#, RB3, RB6, and RB7) is required for the emulator functions and using
these pins for this purpose reduces the total number of pins available
to the application. For some devices, like the 18-pin parts, these pins are part of the only full 8-bit
port avail- able, which means that often the application cannot run the full, unchanged
application with the ICD 2 debugger
The last type of
emulator is the most expensive,
it does
address all the issues raised by the other methods
that have been presented.
Built into every PIC
micro- controller chip are
the I/O
pins that can be used
by external
hardware to
control the operation of the PIC
microcontroller as well
as provide a separate
memory to exe- cute out of. To provide access to these I/O pins, a special type of package (known as a bondout chip) is used. The bondout chip package is used to interface to the appli- cation and
the emulator
so that
if any
damaging voltages or currents
are driven
into the emulator by the application, this is the only part that has to be replaced. The cost
for a bondout chip is on the order of $500, which, though expensive, is a lot cheaper than replacing a $2,000 emulator.
block for this type of emulator is shown in Fig. 5.5.
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